Important Updates
CCR Amendment Update 
We appreciate everyone's time and efforts in returning their ballots and encouraging their neighbors to vote during this last attempt. 
After 8 long months of collecting ballots, emailing and texting reminders, and numerous community meetings, we ended the voting period with 411 affirmative votes and only 49 disapproving votes. Unfortunately, as we have noted in communications regarding these efforts, these amendments cannot be passed without the approval of 67% of our homeowners, which equals a total of 667 necessary affirmative votes. While we did see a large jump in involvement due to online voting via ElectionBuddy, an increase of about 300 total votes compared to the first two attempts, we still needed an additional 256 affirmative votes to institute this change.
Should someone in the community wish to lead the efforts in reattempting to pass these amendments again in the future, please reach out to the Board of Directors at
*Please note, due to restrictions set forth in the CCRs, passage of amendments cannot take place without 67% affirmative votes.* 
Thank you again for you efforts, 
OSC CCR Committee 

Amenties Fob and Pool Information can be found HERE
Interested in joining the OSC Clubhouse Rental Team
OSC is looking for new Clubhouse Rental Team Members.
Clubhouse rental team members conduct walkthroughs immediately before and after each event rental. Rentals take place Fridays thru Sundays and closed during holiday.
Our current team members have been doing an awesome job for years, but they are ready to retire, so we need new members.
Team members are needed in order to continue to rent the clubhouse to our community members. 
Team member are compensated for their time.
We are hosting a zoom information session on Wednesday, July 7th from 6pm-6:30pm. We'll discuss compensation, responsibilities, time, etc.
After information is shared, we'll answer any questions you have.
If you're able to attend, please see the zoom information below.
If you can, please have your cameras turned on so we can all see who we are speaking with :)
If you're unable to attend, no worries. We intend to record the meeting. So as long as we don't have any recording issues, upon your request (via email), we'll send you the recording.
Meeting ID: 849 5236 7100
Passcode: 944355

One tap mobile
+13017158592,,84952367100#,,,,*944355# US (Washington DC)
+13126266799,,84952367100#,,,,*944355# US (Chicago)
Dial by your location
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
See ya there!
OSC Clubhouse

Voter results of the proposed CCR Amendments:
Dear Old Stone Crossing Homeowners:
The Board of Directors and the CC&R Amendments Committee would like to thank all homeowners who participated in the CC&R Amendments vote in 2021. All ballots received prior to the deadline (February 15th) have been processed. The CC&R Amendments have not passed due to a lack of quorum.
Thank you again for taking the time to participate in the CC&R Amendments vote.
***Get Updates via Text***
We have some exciting events coming up for the holidays as well as some upcoming CCR proposals that we don't want you to miss. To make sure you receive the most accurate, up-to-date information please take a few moments to complete the following quick steps. Once complete, you will receive text updates sent by the OSC Board regarding upcoming events, proposals, meetings, and more. You may unsubscribe at any time. The OSC website has been linked below for quick access.
To Opt-In:
  • Go to & Log-in
  • Scroll down and click "Your Profile"
  • Select "Update Profile"
  • Add your phone number into the field marked “Enter # to Receive Texts”
  • Click "Save"
***Beautification Update***
OSC Beautification continues!!!
Fresh mulch and flower program has been established and in progress.
New reader boards have been installed and an additional reader board installed at service entrance.
Cleaned up neglected common areas.
Ongoing maintenance schedule implemented.
Check back for more updates!